Anatomy of a Meditation, what is Real? The Power of Metaphor (from Microcosm to Macrocosm)

This blog came out of a desire to capture a recent group Meditation – for reference – and as an enticement for folks considering coming out to one. I wanted to flesh out the event topic “New Beginnings: Clearing, and Opening” – and I do that – but not without delving into a plethora of other relevant topics: the Concrete vs. the Ephemeral; the Medical vs. Metaphysical Model; having a mission vs. playing it by ear (Improvisation); and so much more…

[a note about quotes: single quotes denote a concept, double quotes identify something actually said]

the mysterious ilvaite - with curvy, bowing terminations - representing a more proactive energy than black Tourmaline

the mysterious ilvaite – with curvy, bowing terminations – representing a more proactive energy than black Tourmaline

Anatomy of a Meditation, what is Real? The Power of Metaphor (from Microcosm to Macrocosm)

I usually don’t preplan (‘to the T’) my in-person Meditation events. I generate the concept for it about a month out, looking ahead at the calendar – inspired by the seasons – foraging for whatever ideas feel relevant to explore in the moment.

I recall whatever else might have been taught recently – what prospective attendees may be interested in – and in any case, try to push our studies to the next level. My own learning is included, as important, because I don’t know everything (surprise, surprise).

As it gets closer, I start to pick out the appropriate stones, and begin formulating the progression of the usually 3 Meditations-within-the-Meditation that I do. By taking different ‘side roads’ during the course of our main journey, a broader level of awareness is reached. More ground is covered (and that’s a good thing!). A single Meditation, with long silences, is not my style (though it certainly has its place).

As the main concept for each segment comes into focus, I make sure to leave the event open for intuitive ‘light bulbs,’ or last minute, in-the-moment inspirations about whatever else I might dream up, on the fly.

Rocks in a Box - personal pieces - selected for a specific event.

Rocks in a Box – personal pieces – selected for a specific event.

By taking this approach, I’m not being flighty or flaky – winging it – I’m just being aware of the need not to be rigid. I think it’s important to go into a situation with a clear mission, and to welcome opportunities for expansion and evolution as they present themselves along the way.

For example, I have to be open to new stones I can bring in (even as the event is unfolding). That’s why I keep my For Sale & Personal Session pieces close by. I won’t think twice about leaving out stones I’d had originally picked for the occasion, even if it means they’re sitting it out sadly ‘in the box.’

Occasionally, I’m lucky enough to have an attendee take a bird’s eye view of what’s going on, and report in real time what’s happening – as it’s happening – from their own ‘objective’ viewpoint. Most recently, I was praised as a “master of metaphor,” which felt great (and seemed appropriate, given my whole approach – which is becoming clearer – even as I write this). Indeed her statement can fairly be said to have been a prime impetus for this whole Blog post.

Symbols stir up our subconscious, delivering experiences we would otherwise ignore, not notice, and be unaware of. It’s my job to ‘go there,’ for the sake of the community. As in any field – the full time practitioner should be relied upon to pioneer at the cutting edge – identifying new and different stones (in my case), and ascertaining how best to use them. When you buy a stone from me, or pay in to attend an event, you’re contributing in your own way to that much larger responsibility I’m bearing.

I most definitely use stones as both metaphor and actual representatives for all kinds of key (and essential) energetic nuances. We stimulate the imagination with Crystals & Metaphor – make use of what’s there, inside of us – and create new associations. It’s kind of exciting…like a song being written as it’s performed!

A small Meditation gathering (I'm the one guy).

some of those in attendance at a Meditational gathering (I’m the one guy)

I hope you can see that in describing how I go about ‘building’ an event, that my most recent Meditation topic “New Beginnings: Clearing & Opening” is being addressed (albeit circuitously). As some say: “how you do anything is how you do everything.” And yet – how it feels live – during an in-person event of mine – is totally different from how I present a webinar, or write my Blogs. That’s the beauty of working with me in a few different capacities. Each medium has its unique offerings, appeal, and gift.

In writing, I’m much more self-conscious, I’m not channeling – or ‘streaming’ – as I do in other situations. I revisit my words many times – blogs can take weeks to complete – I’m ever fine-tuning and developing them. I’m up to 15 revisions here, and counting…

So my blogs are more for the readers amongst you, perhaps even ‘the intellectual.’ And yet I’m not much of a reader myself. I do lots of editing beyond this, but the real challenge is getting it all out. For whatever reason, I have a lot to say – to share – and feel like in doing so, some pretty substantial light is being shed on this field of Crystal Healing.

Once I press Publish, though, I’m confident that my writing covers the ground needed (and I imagine it being a chapter in some future book). So I apologize if these tomes seem long – some have suggested I write shorter pieces more often – but it takes awhile for these statements to percolate. If folks want pithier expressions, they can check out my Twitter and Facebook pages (that’s what they’re for).

I’m certainly not as left brained as I sometimes think I am. I’m not, after all, a statistician or accountant. I infuse my efforts with an artistic sensibility. Intention and focus are are definitely hosting my events – but inspiration, flexibility, and adaptability crash the party every time – that’s what makes it fun & interesting!

Amber - by its lighter density - automatically creates a magnetism, or pull, from the more dense, to the less dense.

Amber – by its lighter density – automatically creates a magnetism, or pull, from the more dense, to the less dense.

So we’ve ‘established’ that working with Crystals is all about Metaphor. And Language as well, by extension [don’t get me started, that’s a whole other blog topic in itself]. They each represent something about our Consciousness (The Ethers) and Physicality (being themselves, quite tangible). This enables us to use and experience Crystals in ways that illustrate, bring out, and underscore our own important ‘inner workings’ – which ultimately manifest in in ‘the real world’ – and vice versa! This takes on a very personal and uniquely individual dynamic for each of us.

In different words, what I’m saying is that Crystals “are the thing” (meaning, they embody or contain within them certain energies, intrinsically) – but they are also “about the thing” (ie. representing of a concept, or vibration).

Rose Quartz - represents and emanates -Unconditional Love.

Rose Quartz – represents and emanates – Unconditional Love.




Take for example Rose Quartz. It’s said (by me) to bear the essence of Unconditional Love. I just noticed someone else saying that on Pinterest (“Love” I’ve heard before, but not my wording: “Unconditional Love,” until now). I’m glad to say that it feels like my framework for understanding Crystals is getting out there (little by little).

But can that possibly true? Can a rock be all that? I argue (elsewhere) that the Crystal Lore has gone overboard with making impossible (or excessive) associations. And yet, I’m all in favor of making leaps of faith. I believe that once you make an association (between object and and outcome, or meaning) – and it resonates for you, then YES – a rock can be all that. The keys are resonance – complementarity – a sort of call and response between you and the Crystals.

The sign of the swastika has come to carry and mean a whole lot more than a few lines scrawled on a wall (every picnic table at a campground I went to this Summer, had them carved in centrally). In its case, hatefulness overshadows its original import, as a mystical symbol from India.

Oppositely, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” When you love someone, you can easily disregard their foibles…the warm glow of your rose tinted glasses gives the object of your desire an elevated standing…in almost everything they do.

My point? That ‘objective reality’ is often neither. And people who claim it’s all there is are deluding themselves.

Entire societies function on a vast web of presuppositions and assumptions that shape our every move. What makes some consider Terrorism a perfectly logical course of action tells you something about their surrounding ethos, and circumstance. Likewise, the confluence of beliefs and prejudices prevailing in 2003 led the U.S. to invade Iraq under completely false pretenses.

Going further back – slavery was once considered an indispensable part of the economy – just as energy waste and global warming are considered acceptable side effects of modern life. It didn’t have to be that way, it doesn’t have to be this way. Our spiritual practice should enable us to increasingly think outside the box…how it could and should be, are items seriously worth considering…on the regular!

It is white, is it beige - is the pattern natural or real - what is the play of light here (on this Zebra Jasper)...

It is white, is it beige – is the pattern natural or real – what is the play of light here (on this Zebra Jasper)…

Who’s right and who’s wrong – that’s not for me to say in this context – but I bring up these points to illustrate how powerful and significant ideation (ideology), accepted world views, and yes: Imagination can be.

Ultimately, you believe in what you believe in – and that carries all the weight it needs to – to ‘get the job done.’ It’s what can lead us to start wars, stay in a marriage, keep going in to work every day – even hate – or love ourselves. It can hold such sway in superstitious societies -that a hex can kill you – if you let it (or believe it will).

We live in a world defined in large part by mental constructs. Let me say this again: there is no ‘objective’ reality to be had. Perhaps ‘things’ – material objects – all that we can point to as being real, are truly real? But how much more important is what they mean to us! A flag, a rock, a bus stop – each is not merely an object to us – each immediately initiates a cascade of associations. Meaning is everything.

The relationship between things and concepts is much much more fluid (both loose and close) in our world than we give it credit for. There’s so much more gray than black and white. I say this over and over again – especially to people who look to me for a quick health fix – as they say on Facebook, about relationships – “it’s complicated!”

Disease doesn’t just pop up out of a box. You can’t just stuff it all back in – or get rid of it like that. One thing Modern Medicine has done, is to give people that illusion…that they can be “fixed” – like cars. And one of the greatest pieces of misinformation about Crystals, is that they can “do this” and “do that,” performing similar, instant cures.

the unusual red (and power) of a flare / Diamantina laser

the unusual red (and power) of a flare / Diamantina laser

Crystals are not our minions, doing our bidding, like slaves. That gives them no credit or dignity, and gives the challenges facing us zero standing, in their own right. Fixing a human being is a lot more sophisticated, and ought to be handled on multiple levels, that no quick fix can ever hope to deliver. You can’t simply change out a light bulb and make everything okay.

How is it that Religions can so easily buy people’s loyalty by relaying miracles? Are we such simpletons? Would it not be better to preach the old adage: “pray, but move your feet.” Yes to the magic of inspiration, and Yes ALSO to the power of action!

Returning to my color metaphor, look even at the shades of Red. You can say “that’s red” – and on the surface of it – we’ll know what you mean. But the Artist in you knows how many variations (or shades) there really are on the theme. There’s a pale, almost pink tone; dark burgundy, like a wine; fire engine red…the list goes on. Likewise, there are gradations – quantitative (not just qualitative) delineations – between The Real and The Imagined.

A Fantasy can turn into a motion picture, from which are created memories. Images and Messages (‘the moral of the story’) can change lives, both during – and beyond – the experience of watching a film. Everything partakes of (and contributes to) Reality – from the dryest of rational views – to the wildest drug-induced hallucinations.

Indeed the most brilliant scientists will tell you that the more they learn, the more they realize they don’t know. Each perspective has meaning and value, regardless of how ‘tangible’ it is. And when we die, everything disappears (even though many of us think of the Soul as living on).

This is why I laugh when I hear the notion that Energy Medicine is irrelevant, and that ‘Traditional’ Medicine is all that matters. Never mind the fact that (by true definition) ‘Traditional Medicine’ – which would be ‘that which precedes Modern Medicine’ – was often about the energetics of a person’s condition. Herbalism, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine – all these are truly traditional medicines – that take this approach (thinking about our functioning holistically), and they’re all still in use today (as they were a thousand years ago).

Basalt - one of the more ancient of stones - here shattered and polished by the wind and  sand over eons, to make a ventifact that is powerful in clearing and excising.

Basalt – one of the more ancient of stones – here shattered and polished by the wind and sand over eons, to make a ventifact that is powerful in clearing and excising.

What I’m saying is that the opposition between Allopathic and Metaphysical medicine is something I think of as made up – it’s artificial, imposed – and not helpful. Though I suppose, for folks those whose imagination is limited, it works out just fine – to see just one way to legitimately help folks.

“Only a doctor can cure you!” they say. “Yeah, yeah” I say. How many ailments leave doctors befuddled!?

At the same time, it cuts both ways – Alternative Health nuts can fail to see the very real benefits of going to the doctor – and that doing so certainly has merit.

For example, I know someone (who knows someone) who’s dying from Cancer. The patient refused to work with today’s conventional medical establishment, or to accept the many interventions it has to offer…and now she is paying the price (by dying prematurely).

A lot of suffering can be avoided by taking advantage of what’s been scientifically proven to help people.

Science, Medicine, and Energy Healing are all good!

Whatever the source of Healing, I say “Let it begin – it’s all G8D’s gift – receive it and LIVE!” Heck, I had Cancer twice – and was saved by surgery – which helped me live to tell the tale. To be fair – and to take some credit as well – I also changed my attitude and my diet (which were no mean feats), resulting in a life extension of decades.

The choices I made – the shifts in worldview that happened (about myself and everything around me) – all prepared the way for my pursuit of Crystal Consciousness. And then I had a major revelatory experience, but that wasn’t everything. People cheat themselves when they think of the universe as either mundane or sublime. It’s both, to be sure!

Remember, if you can, the story about the guy who drowned – reaches Heaven – and berates G8D for not saving him (with a miracle). Miracles are overrated! G8D respondes (and I paraphrase): “You’re wrong to think I wasn’t trying to save you – I sent you a life preserver, I sent you a boat, I sent you a helicopter – how many more tools, or ‘signs’ could I have offered?!” G8D does not only work in mysterious ways. Sometimes, Salvation can be quite simple, straightforward and practical.

In tying together many Quartz crystals in this double terminated formation, this amalgamated cluster represents a multiplicity of forces, or possibilities.

In tying together many Quartz crystals in this double terminated formation, this amalgamated cluster represents a multiplicity of forces, or possibilities.

But I digress, not to put you off – Pagans and Atheists – with my mention of Deity. I actually think our world views are more similar than we might admit. I’m no holy roller, and I certainly don’t believe that there’s only one way of understanding Reality. That’s a revolutionary statement, in a rigid, doctrinaire world.

One has only to look at Politics – especially during an election year – to see how violently people hold to their beliefs and convictions. Can they all be right? Or does nobody have it all figured out?

Indeed, there’s no monolithic Reality to be had [I’m giving it a new name, beyond the concept of ‘objective reality,’]…except, perhaps…for the Totality of Multiplicity (which is some people’s view – including my own – of G8D).

“Universal Energies” is another way to refer to an All-Inclusive Reality, within which everything is subjective – except, perhaps, the collective summation of all realities – which we cannot grasp or comprehend – as mere mortals.

The ‘exception’ perhaps, in identifying ‘what is real,’ might be those certain things we cannot all of us deny – like a Tsunami, Death, and taxes…oh well…I guess even those we try to bargain with & negotiate around, wherever possible.

Let’s get back to my Meditation – OUR meditation, really – because the shape and contour of each event, while set in broad strokes by me (and shepherded through, by my own Guidance), takes on new directional subtleties when each individual present Shares what’s happening for them – what the given “journey” has brought up inside of them – and how they’ve been impacted by the whole process. What everybody has to say is an important contribution to the overall experience.

The trait or gift of Compassion is manifest in milky stones, and very well by this pair of candle Quartzes.

The trait or gift of Compassion is manifest in milky stones, and very well by this pair of candle Quartzes.

We’re always (pleasantly) surprised by how unexpected (and welcome) others’ feelings become. That is one of the key benefits of being in a safe and healing environment. People expose their vulnerabilities – places where they feel hurt or alone – and without suffocating, others ‘come running.’

It’s heartwarming how willing – and quick – people can be to offer succor (in the right circumstances).

Indeed, I think it’s harder to embark on new beginnings without reaching, or starting from this place of relative Soul comfort. It’s not impossible – just harder – and it happens all the time, regardless. But in the context of a ‘controlled’ environment – a small group of like minded people gathered, with good intention – that definitely ‘provides the space’ for people to get in touch with their (and THE) Spirit.

Two other key factors contributing to our experience in these Meditations, are of course the world-class Power Stones brought into play (which, unlike museum pieces, are meant to be held and used) – as well as my own knowledge base regarding the many varieties and uses for Crystals. My understanding regarding the dynamics of human learning & experience, also comes in quite handy.

Foggy (or Girasol) Quartz represents the unknown, or unknowable, and is (as such) oddly reassuring, in the shape of a Heart.

Foggy (or Girasol) Quartz represents the unknown, or unknowable, and is (as such) oddly reassuring, in the shape of a Heart.

In order to begin again, or start over – even take any step into the future – I think it helps to make some kind of peace with uncertainty…the unknown…and the unknowable. Some shamanic practitioners speak with certainty about outcomes, or diagnoses, as if they know without a doubt. And that’s lovely, for them (and their clients?) – confidence and clairvoyance are wonderful attributes – but I question their infallibility, and take a more humble approach.

Here, my deistic perspective comes in again. Give G8D his or her [I’m uninvested in ascribing gender to the Over Soul] due. Honor G8D’s role and authority in being ‘the ultimate decider.’

I do not imbue any one stone or type of stone with G8D-Essence, Knowing, or the capacity for Arbitration (that is to say, intercession on our behalf). That, to me, would be idolatry.

We do not pray to the stones, we pray with them. They are not our “little friends” – nor are they generally (although they sometimes can be, in the case of Entity Stones) – possessed with little anthropomorphic “fairy spirits.” That’s one of the several bones I have to pick with the existing Crystal Lore, but it’s not in itself worthy of further discussion at this point.

What is important – at first – is that we acknowledge, and coexist with Uncertainty, which can be attempted by interacting with Girasol, or what I call “Foggy” Quartz. It is neither clear, nor Rose Quartz…it is its own variety [and comes mostly from Madagascar]. It is ideally not completely see through – though it is often gemmy (or glassy inside) – and milky/opaque. By sitting with it, and following a progression of guided Meditation, we were able to lighten the load of pressure we feel to ‘have it all figured out.’ The hidden benefit here, is that by loosening the grip of expectation – we can be open to G8D’s intercession – and our own inspiration.

this is a closeup of the giant Amethyst cluster - showing its Yin & Yang color variation - one side being more matt, and the other glassier

this is a closeup of the giant Amethyst cluster – showing its Yin & Yang color variation – one side being more matt, and the other glassier

Next, and this was our second Meditation – we explored clearing – with a great big Amethyst cluster. As discussed in my “Amethyst & the Purple Sages of the Higher Spirit” webinar, Amethyst clusters (as opposed to points) have the special capacity to cleanse us, spiritually. So we imagined the whole piece (about 2′ long) bubbling with a lavender mist – filling and permeating our being (like Sage smoke) – and flushing out unwanted energies from its furthest recesses.

To further effect the outcome of clearing (and cleansing) – we each used (and shared) a few naturally smoothed basalt shards – passing them over our entire aura (while seated) to protect and restore our periphery and core [one is pictured earlier in this blog].

Ruby Crystal - the super earth grounder - displaying its red & purple color combination.

Ruby Crystal – the super earth grounder – displaying its red & purple color combination

It had been discussed that it was hard to Open without Clearing – because of the fear of letting in unwanted energies – or destabilizing one’s system. That is part of why grounding stones were placed between each person, alternating Tiger Iron and Ruby. By clearing, centering, and grounding first, it becomes possible to open up more successfully.

Finally, in our 3rd Meditation, a ‘constellation’ was brought into play. My goal is to have people experience themselves first; then add stones to the mix, to further their own Spiritual pursuit; and to finally create a collective, galactically connected layout that aligns our individual experience with that the Universe. That’s what I mean by Microcosm to Macrocosm.

I make my layouts simple – I don’t call them ‘grids’ because that seems limiting – almost like using a stencil to make a drawing, or connecting oneself to ‘the grid’ – when this whole energetic exercise is designed to take us out of, or give us relief from the societal grid – and to connect us to something bigger.

3rd Meditation layout, New Beginnings: Clearing & Opening event

3rd Meditation layout, New Beginnings: Clearing & Opening event

I generally don’t allow attendees to take photos at our gatherings, because I have some proprietary interest in keeping what we do private. At the same time, pictures do make things a lot clearer, and I’ve been describing this Meditation thus far by only showing examples of the stones I’m discussing.

The bamboo sticks are neutral place holders, but they do create space, and in this case both an emanation from the center, and an evocation of a galactic swirl (because of the angles at which they come in, or burst forth from the center).

I also use just the minimum to achieve the desired effect. A lot of layouts I’ve seen are over the top – too much going on – a cacophony of energies. I think they’re more attractive as artworks than as functioning ‘constellations.’

In the center is the amalgamated Quartz DT cluster, representing the new possibilities we face at the Gateway of the Future…things we want to see come into being, or that will become manifest regardless, going forward. It behooves us to ‘get next to’ these potentialities, even advance of their appearance, so that our Soul may attune to them and thrive in their company.

4 Jets - the Openness Stone - combines cleansing with spacious opportunity.

4 Jets – the Openness Stone – combines cleansing with spacious opportunity

Then come a ring of geometrically cut Obsidian pieces [in the layout, but not pictured independently] – which invoke the power and expanse of open space – the ‘Black Before Creation‘ (also of night, Outer Space, and potentiality).

And lastly – what people held in their hands (one in each) – were Blue Lace Agate (self forgiveness and self expression), and Jet…a personal openness and safety stone, different from Obsidian…because it’s more “right here” than “out there.”

Thus completed our exploration of “New Beginnings: Clearing & Opening.” I realize that this verbal explanation – even enhanced by photos – cannot do it justice. And everybody’s input is not transcribed here.

However, I did get a memorable testimonial – which will show you, in someone else’s voice – what it was like:

Blue Lace Agates - soothing but weighty - and gently colored, as should be our self talk and assertions to the world.

Blue Lace Agates – soothing but weighty – and gently colored, as should be our self talk and assertions to the world.

“Last week I attended my first Crystal Meditation group meeting, New Beginnings: Opening & Clearing. Going to the event I was certain of two things: there would be crystals and guided meditations. I was not aware of the intensity I would experience as the evening progressed. I was first taken aback by a room full of crystals. Some of the most beautiful, colorful, expensive stones I have ever experienced in my life. Just standing in the room I began vibrating. There was a chatty meet and greet time provided so the attendees could connect and re-connect. Then the Circle was gathered. Kyle led us through three meditations during the 2 hour meeting; each accompanied by crystals and stones appropriate for the intended visualization. I found myself easily falling into a distant meditative state. By the last meditation I felt a definite shift in my being: I had received messages and felt very different in my body compared to when I walked in off the street. Kyle provides a wonderful calm space free from distraction, enlivened with the vibration (songs) of a diverse rich collection of gem stones and crystals. Kyle is a Crystalline Being in flesh.”

You can see more accounts of others’ experiences on my Testimonials page (also on this site). I can’t say any more on this subject (these subjects!) at this time. What I hope I’ve achieved here are several things: educating you about specific stones, and their ‘functions;’ how they come together for a specific Meditation; and how all-important it is to not see Reality as something fixed. It is our role to pursue our goals, but to flow also like a river, not just taking the path of least resistance. 
I have identified the respect needed for G8D (or what is beyond our control) – and the process by which we can energetically embrace New Beginnings – through Clearing and Opening. It is only by blurring the lines between The Real and The Imagined – that we are able to bring into being great changes – on a grand or personal scale.
Kyle Russell in front of pyramidal Granite

Kyle Russell in front of pyramidal Granite


Rather than repeating the snapshot of myself you may have seen in other blogs, I’m writing a fresh account of where I stand today. This is a recent photo (from a few days ago), in front of a boulder of Granite that caught my attention. The Mica, Feldspar, and Quartz are more separated than uniform. It inspired me to want to tackle and separate some of the grand concepts I’ve addressed in this blog. Posts on Facebook have been paused, other priorities set aside. Since I write these only every few months, each has to bite off a pretty substantial chunk, and each has to reveal something new and different, evolving, about my understanding, overall. I have chosen to pursue both paths – of acquiring and selling Crystals – and of sharing and advancing the more esoteric knowledge about them. I’d hoped to publish a book this Fall, but instead am working on a set of Crystal cards, hopefully to be printed by November. In the meantime – and this is a first – I have full season mapped out: Expos for vending; Meditations; Webinars monthly; and even my annual “Wonders of Quartz” workshop. Check out my Events Page listing, and don’t hesitate to reach out with feedback or inquiry, to 


How to Work with Crystals?

soothing Nephrite Jade sphere

soothing Nephrite Jade sphere


Such an important question – “How to Work with Crystals?” – with a hundred (and certainly more) answers out there…and only a limited amount of time (and space) to respond to the question…I have to choose my words carefully, which is why I’ve turned this into a blog, as a followup to (and companion to) the live webinar recently recorded (of the same name).

Given the infinite options for Reply, be aware that this answer is of my own, subjective opinion. You have to trust the source of where you get your information – even if it’s your inner self – I know I do. And hopefully, the more material I put out there (that people check out), the more my perspective will become a steady feature in the “Crystal scene.”

I have numerous webinars and classes – they exist for you to get slightly different (but overlapping) views on what I perceive to be the truth. Hopefully, this (and they) will resonate with you. As I get myself increasingly out there, I have been pleasantly surprised by the responsiveness of folks in cyberspace. I got over 400 Joins to my Facebook event page (for the webinar), and you’ll see the number of Likes my Facebook page has gotten (below).

But Facebook isn’t everything – I know that – and there’s not just one view of a great big Cathedral. You have to get a panoramic view of the inside and the outside – and even then – you couldn’t capture the essence of what goes on for the people who go there.

The same is true for the metaphysical world – it’s especially true, actually – where subjectivity reigns over the objective, and individuality is rather appreciated. So read on, with an open mind. Take what you like, leave what you don’t…there’s enough to go around.


large, beautifully terminated Topaz – the intrabody neural communicator

To answer the question “how do you work with crystals” is most basically:  you create a circuit between what you’re holding in your hand; let it come right through your heart; and up to your mind’s eye. It’s a feedback loop…cycles right back down from you’re seeing…and touches your Soul.”

The goal is to capture and tap into that vibrancy, participating in the presence and movement of essential Life energies.

Each stone you pick up will give you a slightly different experience, or window into that universal flow.

And then it becomes like a dance, as you move from limb to limb, like a nimble monkey on a tree…you know what to reach for…you’ll learn what does the trick.

Working with Crystals is a bit like absorbing a new language. You can school yourself in it and you can be taught – by those with greater experience – who you relate to. But you are ultimately you’re own, best teacher. Just like with food and dietary awareness, you have to listen to your sensation, what resonates (and what does not).


For people who don’t get it at all, this all can be a hard pill to swallow. They just don’t get it – and more than even indifference – they harbor a negative view (for whatever reason) of working with Crystals. An important part of my mission could be turning disbelievers into believers. It would be hard to walk them through the path I’ve taken, because some of what I’ve seen was for my eyes only. Some folks turn to science (or pseudo-science), to prove their point – but that’s not my focus. 

I don’t need to prove myself to anyone. Plus, I have way more fun with those who’ve already got an interest. Wouldn’t you prefer to teach Spanish to someone who’s actually came to your Spanish class – rather than to have to randomly accost folks the students from out of History – to “convert” them into caring about your coursework.

As you become more fluent, it’s hard to go back, or want to try to teach people who are resistant – who’ve got no interest in learning the language. It’s possible as well, that they lack interest in pursuing any other self-development strategy.

Funny how it happens, that closed is closed. And once the flood gates are open, people who are open to Crystals also find themselves open to Herbalism, Aromatherapy, and vice versa.

Then is it true that “doubting Thomases” cannot gain any value from crystals? That’s a sad thought. But I don’t know that it’s even true. I believe that merely having them (Crystals) around – or having others work on you long distance (in spite of any resistance you might have) – could still result in some positive outcomes.

Chrysocolla - combines self forgiveness and emotional expressiveness

Chrysocolla – combines emotional expressiveness with self forgiveness


Even if a healer’s efforts bounce back on them (because the patient is not willing) – some good is still coming from the transaction – and serves as cautionary lesson to those working with “the dark arts” (be careful what you project…let it only be positive). Hence the mirror in certain mythologies: to reflect negativity back on itself. Likewise, if you can stay “in the light,” you will always be blessed, even in your worst & dying moments (if that’s even possible to imagine!).

My son was speaking once, to a religious leader – he said “I don’t know if I believe in G8D” – the mentor replied: “that’s okay, G8D doesn’t mind.” The sun still shines, whether people open their eyes to it, or whether it’s covered with clouds. Once you’ve seen it, it’s hard to pretend it’s not there (or to not want to work with it).


There are dozens (certainly more) books out there about Crystals, with plenty of knowledge and instruction to offer. I have a lot beliefs in common with many of their authors, and a lot of beliefs that differ from them. Instead of outlining either – making claims or accusations – I think the next, best way I can answer the question: “How to Work with Crystals” here, would be to explain how I work with Crystals…what it is that I do…so you can see the breadth of possibility from the perspective of somebody who’s been  thinking about, and working with Crystals on the daily (for a looong time).


A prospective client called me: “I’ve been looking over your sites, and I’m a little confused – can you tell me – what is it that you do with the Crystals? Of course, I was happy to answer her, and we spent some time on the phone, with me explaining what I could, in the moment. But then I was like – “wow, all that effort I’ve put into my online presence and offerings, and it’s still not clear – I’ve got to do better, try harder, and come up with some new ways of explaining this art (which is so very important to me).”


Basically, I have two approaches to working with Crystals. One, is through my healing modality: teaching, sharing, and applying my knowledge. That is what I call Crystal Concentrics.

You can find out more at (my main site) and over at one of my Facebook pages: (that’s singular, there’s no ’s’ at the end). I’ve accrued more than 10,000 “Likes” there. I feature my personal pieces, not-necessarily-sales-oriented posts, and house all my Facebook Event pages over there.

Crystal Energy Zones poster

Crystal Energy Zones poster

I also have created a large laminate poster of the Human “Crystal Energy Zones” – which identifies the 29 key stones with immediate relevance to our Chakra system.

In follow up to this, I am working on a deck of Crystal Cards, which will cover even more varieties, and be an excellent teaching tool. Ultimately, I have a few books on the back burner, which will tie together a lot of the concepts outlined in my Blogs (including this one!).

MY SALES ‘ARM’ (the tool)

I acquire and sell Crystals through my Power Stone Crystals persona, which you can check out in one of 3 places. Online, there’s my main sales site: And there’s the semi-matching sister page (thought not all the same items will appear on both):

I have 31,000+ Fans on the latter. The relatively higher following (compared with the Crystal Concentrics page, on Facebook), has to do with how I promoted each, way back when, and people’s penchant for appreciating or buying crystals over really understanding how to work with them.

'the author' Kyle Russell, at the Healing Hands event

‘the author’ Kyle Russell, at the Healing Hands event

Ultimately – the best way to see everything I’ve got available – is in person…either at my Boston area showroom…or at one of the metaphysical Expos I have scheduled throughout the year, in New York, and also in New England. I do plan on making it to other regions – and have some pending opportunities – I’d certainly appreciate your invitation!


Why is it that folks spend many, many times more on buying Crystals than they do on learning about them, or receiving the services of practitioners? That would be due to the fact that it’s much easier to acquire the tools than to master (or even engage) the trade.

When you see something beautiful – and it has a price tag on it – you tend to go for it. That client’s question – earlier mentioned – demonstrates that we as practitioners, have a ways to go in terms of making our art as easily understood and “consumable” as the Crystals themselves have been.

Imagine, if you will – someone buying all kinds of expensive plumbing equipment – but never learning how to use it. Fortunately – or maybe because they’re that much more beautiful than plumbing equipment – people are way more inclined to buy Crystals than they are to truly study them, or be taught by any experts in the field.

Granted, Crystal experts are not to be found on every corner. Books, fortunately, are (to be found more readily) – but unfortunately (to my mind) – many of them are spreading much misinformation. Luckily, because we’re all so unique, each effort to shed light on the “magic” of Crystals – succeeds in quite different ways – and there’s something out there for every level of interest and capacity to absorb information.


closeup of a (rare) bi-color Amethyst cluster – the yin and the yang

And – failing to look into them more deeply – there’s always the beauty…the awe…of a wonderfully majestic creation, dating back millions of years, which will outlast us, and taps into our archetypal perceptions of color and form.


For me – working with, and sharing my knowledge about Crystals – flows from the more visual and collective, to the most in depth and personal:

1) The Slide Show, Talk, or Presentation is more like a lecture, but a fascinating one (to be sure). Two examples of my offerings are “A Pinterest Tour” of my 60-odd boards, by which I’ve classified thousands of museum quality images; and “Where the Earth Meets Sky: from the rocky landscape of the Galapagos to the mountain spiritual center of Machu Picchu.” These can be delivered live, or virtually, and make for ideal webinars (hint, hint: keep an eye out for them).

2) The Crystal Meditation is a gathering of individuals, ready to step out of the ordinary, and join a guided journey, as well to join in to group sharing. It is split into 3 segments. The first is a rooting into ones own biological, emotional presence (without stones). The followup introduction of Crystals to the hands will show how different this practice is from “normal” contemplation. Crystals act as a sort of touchstone, or lightning rod…aligning the astral, the physical/ephemeral, and the earth-foundation/constant together. Lastly evoked are layouts, connecting the group with the larger continuity and cosmology of time and space. Between each of the 3 Meditations, we go around and speak our truth in the moment.

Natick Jan 23

group photo, after a Crystal Meditation

3) The Class, or Workshop involves Meditation, as above, but includes an instructional piece – be it an exploration of “the Heart Chakra (and the 6 stones that pertain to it),” – or “the Wonders of Quartz (a whole Chakra layout, comprised exclusively of Quartz varieties).” 

I offer this content (and many more topics), both live and online. My growing library of webinars makes it so that wherever you are, we can explore, and work together in building our knowledge of Crystals.

4) The Crystal Reading, is a gateway into your own personal situation. It’s not a Psychic Reading, whereby your hidden present, past, or future are spontaneously (or laboriously) revealed by a clairvoyant. Instead, it’s a straightforward inquiry, by which you answer questions regarding where your Spirit finds itself right now, and we discuss what hopes it (your Soul) and you have, regarding your next steps – or what directions (or needs) you might be looking to explore – to “get to the next level” in your personal development. This can be a one time thing – conducted live or long distance – or part of a larger “treatment plan” of ongoing sessions.

Nirvana Quartz - cohort of the higher self

Nirvana Quartz – cohort of the Higher Self

5) The One-on-One, Individual Sessions are a series (generally starting with 4 meetings), that focus exclusively on you. There’s no group, it’s not a sample or glimpse, it’s an in depth exploration – using Crystals and sacred space (where we set up safety and security) – to be in (and allow) the presence of your Spirit to come out (not physically, but metaphorically), to be seen and contemplated. Whether your mission is to embody: to be more present, grounded, and connected positively in your life; or whether transcendence, journeying, and other dimensional travel is your yen…that will be our mission.

I’ve used this work to exorcise and put unwelcome entities to rest – identify and remove major blockages – and simply for rebalancing and invigorating folks who want to feel better in themselves.

6) Self-Care and Development. Here’s where we come full circle, back to my self, and your self, solo. How can we use Crystals on our own? Let me count the ways – because there is so much is to be learned and implemented – from all the approaches above.

having that special Crystal around, on your desk or in your pocket…to invoke the positive messages and feelings you associate with it (during your daily life);

3 matching Blue Fluorites

3 matching Blue Fluorites

taking time to really sit with a special Crystal (or group of them), taken in hand, laid out in what I call a “constellation,” or carefully arranged on an altar…here’s where your meditation can bring you down (in a good way) – settle you – or help you ascend…to that place you know you need to get to. I do this also at night, before bed: taking hold of a Crystal that captures a lesson of the day, or a hope for the night, and/or tomorrow;

Which brings up…

– Projection and Prayer (this can also be done in groups). It is seeking to materialize health or better luck & circumstance for oneself, or others. This can be an advanced practice…but can also be done by children. Anyone can learn, try, or experiment…engaging in this vitally needed activity.

– Charity (and Repair of the World): doing any or all of the above, for others (and Nature) who are in so much in need…is a must. The sick and the dying, the passed on, and the suffering. We live in a world that is comprised of both Heaven and Hell, mixed in varying proportions (depending on where you find yourself, and whose life you happen to be living). Aging, entropy, unfairness, and Evil are all factors – as well as Beauty and Grace, Benevolence and Compassion – which we are tasked to identify and work with and balance, as constructively as we are able.

unique Selenite cluster - representing our reach for the Eternal

unique Selenite cluster – representing our reach for the Eternal


Whether you’re devoutly practicing a religion or not; believe in a higher power – The Force or whatever – working with Crystals can certainly tap you into The Divine.

Polytheists, Pagans, Animists – we’re all aware of greater powers in our midst – and that we ourselves are formidable forces (for good or ill). Even negligence is a force to contend with. It’s all about tapping into the Energy that’s all around (and within!).

Working with it, running with it, taming and shaping it – or resisting and avoiding it – these are factors we need to grapple with.

I believe that for all the complexity and wonder of the physical world – there is an equal and “opposite” (or simultaneous) “dream time,” or metaphysical world – and that is the one that Crystals both tap into, and straddle, bringing into being what was not previously manifest (and projecting the manifest back over, beyond “the veil”).

Ultimately, these are rocks – objects – quite plain and permanent. It’s really a trip. “How to Work with Crystals” is really an exercise in playing with the constant and the mutable, the “objective” and the relative.


Now have I thoroughly confused matters? Has my argument become too long in the tooth? Astrophysicists have found that the more we know – the more we want to (and don’t) know. Learning will never die, there is always more to explore.

Why should this be any different. Every field has its limits, or its next frontier. And every modality has its merit, too. I would never propose to devalue complementary (or even opposing) practices. Every approach to healing is worthy of exploration.

I personally connect uniquely (and primarily) with the Crystals, which have led me on this ongoing journey of discovery and sharing.

Celestite egg

Celestite egg

I hope you now feel more informed on “How to Work with Crystals” – my having outlined both how we can engage them (through “the circuit”) – and how I have created a spread of curriculum…teaching through the written word and images, as well as the engagement of groups and individuals…each method taking on a different form and delivering a new dynamic to the process.


The webinar of this name “How to Work with Crystals” is more improvisational – it was recorded live – and I say things that don’t appear here. Likewise, points are made “on paper” that are not covered in person. So it really behooves you to experience both – as my written personality is different than my spoken self – and all my “incarnations:” the Presentation, the Meditation, the Workshop, the Webinar, Individual Sessions, Prayer & Charity, as well as Solo Time have unique contributions to make to our overall understanding and process.


About the Author: Kyle Russell has been working with Crystals for 27 years. Although he’s been collecting and working with people throughout that time period, the past few years have seen a resurgence of primary attention being devoted to this cause. The reason is that he feels he has something unique to contribute – not only in terms of content, conceptually – but physically, in terms of delivering outstanding power stones to the community. It’s a holistic endeavor, and complements his personal choices around health and wellness, as well as maintaining his own well being (he survived Cancer, twice). Please don’t hesitate to be in touch at, with any questions, or to followup, with feedback.