What is a “Crystal Reading”?

mystic light, emanating from a crystal point

mystic light, emanating from a crystal point

I offered a venue-owner my services as a “Crystal Reader,” which brought up – even for me, the next logical question – “what is a Crystal Reading?”

Mention Psychic Readings – and people generally know what you’re talking about – even if they haven’t necessarily had one.

According to Wikipedia: “A Psychic Reading is a specific attempt to discern information through the use of heightened perceptive abilities; or natural extensions of the basic human senses of sight, sound, touch, and instinct. These natural extensions are claimed to be Clairvoyance (vision), Clairsentience (feeling), Claircognisance (factual knowing) and Clairaudience (hearing)…and the resulting statements made during such an attempt.”

There is no such entry for “Crystal Reading” – which speaks to that fact that no one (“out there”) really knows what a Crystal Reading would consist of – though I’m sure some of you can imagine (and I’ve met several folks who do their own versions of this). I actually do them (being an innovator of the form) – and will tell you what my own Crystal Concentrics Reading consists of – so read on please.

revelations of a Crystal Ball

revelations of a Crystal Ball

One might ask: “do Crystals tell the reader something about the person?”

Could this be facilitated by an archetypal (or real) Crystal Ball? I know a few that could probably do the job, in the right hands. Specifically, I’m finding that Selenite spheres are quite powerful tools for scrying. 

Let me pull back, though, and ask: “Are Crystals used, like Tarot Cards – or an Astrological chart – as a kind of map of a person’s makeup (revealing their past)…or does it open a window onto their destiny (leading forward)?”

All good questions. Here’s how it works…from my perspective. Again, I can only speak for myself – ’cause I don’t come from an existing “school of thought,” or an institution – nobody’s trained or certified me…but I have my sources.

You see, I’m 25 years into this. I had a revelatory experience during the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. Since then – the knowledge simply appeared – almost fully formed, in my mind. Certainly, I’ve worked on it, honed it…developing through experience, my own higher understanding of this subject.

Clearly, as well, there’s an existing field out there. With so many modalities available to choose from (even within the Crystal Healig medium), it’s important for each practitioner to represent their own services’ qualities & the benefits thereof. This is mine, and here I go.

For starters – while I use cues (how you present yourself, what you say) – I don’t pretend to read minds or know the name of your first dog, the street you’ve lived on, or what illnesses you’ve had. There’s no “hide” – but there’s certainly some “seek” – my questions are key, they set the stage for my understanding of your issues.

golden rainbow Calcite sphere

golden rainbow Calcite sphere

To facilitate my openness to information, a Crystal Ball is certainly conducive, but not required. Any type of power stone could help, but truly, attentiveness and caring are prerequisite.

I will say this, though. What’s great about any sphere – is its omnidirectionality – suggesting its capacity to pick up on everything, from all directions…including the past…or the hereafter.

non-clear stone spheres

non-clear stone spheres

Not all such pieces have that ability, ’cause when you get into the different (non-clear) varieties, you invoke other energies – intrinsic to those stones – and not really pertinent to that “receiver” aspect most available through clear orbs.

So if a Crystal Ball is not a prerequisite, what is? The inquiry. It’s everything. So is the interpretation. Together, they are ultimately “the reading!”

stock image of a Psychic reading scenario

stock image of a Psychic reading scenario

As mentioned earlier, the questions which come up may include – “what is challenging your Spiritual Journey” – or even “what’s present for you these days…emotionally…or in your body?”

Some people are less attuned to their internal world, and respond better to an open ended question like “what’s happening in your life right now?” That lets them choose what direction they want to go in – what they think is important to reveal – what’s really concerning for them, in the moment.

The more avoidant a person is, the less likely they are to truly benefit from this (or any) therapy. You have to want to get down and dirty with your own “stuff.” If you are unwilling to walk in the dark, you are less likely to get to the other side of the tunnel, where the light’s coming through.

The magic – on my part – is both in the follow up questions (to find out more), and in the interpretation: what does this all say, or mean about you? Where is it pointing? What kind of help, energetically, do you need right now?

Based on my assessment – which can take more, or less time – it’s possible to determine what Crystals may be helpful in representing, or facilitating your process.

Obsidian wands - one backing the other - in clearing the way forward

Obsidian wands – one backing the other – in clearing the way forward

We’re looking for a way to either to cope with what’s currently going on, or to move you further along, towards your own desired destination.

Sometimes (often!) we all need some support in thinking through what it is that we really want, never mind navigating the often complex Rubik’s cube of how to “get it.”

I call myself a Personal Growth Facilitator & Spiritual Advisor, because we’re not just talking about logistics. There are many professional coaches out there to help you with that. We’re not doing talk therapy, either (though conversation is certainly therapeutic).

I will address your Soul purpose, or the particulars which may be coming up. Talking is the easiest way to communicate so much, in not a lot of time. So it’s not to be avoided.

The added layer, which makes this work so unique, is the additional use and involvement of Power Stones.

Broadly, it’s helpful to consider the personal benefits of this work, in general…which you can learn about through my List of Benefits link.

small assortment of power stones

small assortment of power stones

Returning to the particulars of a Crystal Reading session: a tabletop layout can be selected (by me) from a “doctor’s bag” of goodies – Crystals that run the gamut, energetically – but which are selected  (and arranged) for their relevance to your situation.

It’s not a prescription – “go buy this, or do that” – I’m actually opposed to that type of simplistic problem solving. I don’t believe possessing a certain variety of stone can necessarily make your world better – though that certainly happens all the time, for me and for others – so I wouldn’t discount that. I’m just saying that the Crystals are only part of the puzzle, and your issues go deeper, and lie separate from the earthen world. Most people’s situations took a lot of combined factors to create – there’s no reason to believe that all that can be undone by one single action – or crystal.

What I encourage instead, is the consideration of an inventory of vibrations that are helpful to witness, or take in, given the circumstances you’re facing. By contemplating certain Stones and ideas, you’re able to gain some needed perspective on your life. From there, options and opportunities will present themselves.

The grouping is a lot smaller than what might be chosen for a full layout in a private, individualized session (which I do, as well). The Crystal Reading is really meant to be an introduction – to how Crystals can be seen to connect with your reality – and how they can be used to bring out and conceptualize (maybe even galvanize) some of the dynamics at work in your life.

When I’m working long distance, it might be necessary to draw for stones afterwards, on reflection, and to send the person getting the reading a picture of them.

Fenster or Skeletal Quartz

Fenster or Skeletal Quartz

What’s an example, specifically, of how this might actually happen? Sure.

A person facing illness needs to begin seeing that fact (or that interpretation) in a non-self-deprecatory way. It’s so easy to turn judgement onto oneself…as if the disease hasn’t already done a “good” enough job of that…you have to be strong (even as you’re feeling weak)!

You need to be able to externalize your sense of weakness – as can be done with a Fenster Quartz – which is strong, but yet fractured.

Diamantina Quartz, tapered laser

Diamantina Quartz, tapered laser

You may need to draw in (or mimic) strong life energies – for strength – which could come from a Herkimer Diamond Quartz, or a reverse facing wand, using one like this pictured ‘Singing’ or Diamantina Quartz laser (which is “facing” forward).

There are so many tools – not only in shape – but in content, which represent the many energies we need to call upon.

high quality Rhodochrosite chunk, polished to show its color gradations

high quality Rhodochrosite chunk, polished to show its color gradations

Perhaps the seminal cell-division “fertility” stone Rhodochrosite, may become necessary (though I don’t really bring it out lightly, as its use makes more sense in a larger – and individualized – treatment plan). Rose Quartz or coral Stilbite might do, but it all depends on the circumstances.

Suffice it to say, the possibilities are limitless. Our imagination, desire for progress, and the number (and quality) of Crystals within our grasp will all set the very broad stage for what’s possible through these Readings.

A Crystal Reading can lead to future work together – you and me – or to recommendations for other practitioners or self care options. You’ll come away with a new way of looking at yourself and your potential. Ultimately, I can talk about it till the cows come home, but the best way to find out what a Crystal Concentrics Reading can do for you, is to book one (or invite me to an event you know about, where I can offer them).

Email CrystalConcentrics@gmail.com…I’m looking forward to The Inquiry!