What’s Love got to do with it? Crystals and the Heart.

broken heart

jasper heart – broken – and repaired (in appearance)

Crystal & Healing are two words that tend to go together all the time. And surely most of us carry around a broken heart, or at least a wounded heart – from failed & troubled relationships – including messed up childhoods. This creates all kind of mixed emotions, and the Heart Chakra (energy center located right there in your rib cage), can be a complicated place.

One color – Green – is often associated with that place we call our Heart (according to the preponderance of chakra charts). I’ve added Pink as its logical companion. Isn’t that the color we most often associate with things lovey-dovey (in the West).

SQR - gemmy rose egg

gemmy Rose Quartz egg, unparallelled in color

The distinction I make between Green & Pink is represented by two stones: Rose Quartz & Green Fluorite (which, in its rough, chunk form, looks just like a green version of pink Quartz). Rose Quartz represents Unconditional Love, the opening of the heart – that vulnerable “first love” vibration – also experienced by the lucky few who’ve had a first hand experience of The Divine…and feel that way towards G8D. It is innocent – not judging – and infinite.

best cluster

large cluster of perfectly colored green Fluorite

Unfortunately, most of us lose touch with that Being Love feeling, and are caught up more in its unavoidable companion (at least for humans): Relational Love – how we connect with those around us, with our Self, and with our Spiritual guides and cohorts. Money, at least in the U.S. – is green – and represents our commercial relationship to the world. So as you can imagine, Green Fluorite is a complex stone, given the variety of connections it ‘watches over.’ I think of it mostly in terms of its spiritual role, which is enhanced by its clarity, translucency, or “gemminess.”


trio of matching, high grade octahedral blue Fluorite

Some people are just not green people, they relate far more to blue, and for them – although this aspect of the heart chakra remains green in color – they’d connect more easily with Blue Fluorite, a rarer, and wonderful form. So you can choose your Blue Spirit world or your Green Spirit World, but blue generally belongs higher, in the throat chakra and beyond.

heart shape a

naturally heart shaped, river worn Nephrite Jade

There are a number of other Aspects to what I call “the Heart Complex” – which are fortunately reflected in other, related stones – which ‘reside’ around “the big two.” Jade is directly beneath – and interestingly, appears not only in shades of green, but also in blue and gray. Jade is the great Emotional Soother – it’s surface is most like human skin (especially when naturally worn) – and it somehow “makes everything okay.”

twin pair of giant Candle Quartz, Madagascar

attached, twin pair of giant Candle Quartz

Above “the big two” one could place Milky stones, particularly Milky Quartz (though there are other varieties – specifically some Calcites and Verengita – which is like a white Onyx or Alabaster). These represent most bluntly: a mother’s milk…compassionate…nurturing (which is a bit different from soothing).


pair of matching Malachite spheres

Next, beneath the Jade, come Smoky Quartz and Malachite.

Malachite can be a mixed blessing, because it’s an Emotive. The black represents opening, and the green represents the heart, so it’s an opening of the heart…helps feelings come up…not always an easy prospect.

But then, there is the Ultimate Forgiveness stone: Smoky Quartz, here to make everything okay – not by soothing – but by whisking away the negativity, transmuting it into some other place and time. It’s hard to get angry with Smoky Quartz around – I have a large beaded necklace of it – simply can’t get upset while I’m wearing it!

broken, dark Smoky

broken tip, but perfectly colored Smoky

So there you have it – the overarching duo of Unconditional & Relational Love – surrounded by other Heart Aspects: the expression of Feelings; Soothing; Compassion & Nurturance; and the power of Forgiveness…all important nuances coexisting in the Heart Chakra…and given voice and language through Crystals.

How they are configured, and ‘used’ to treat and enhance people’s experience, is the field of the ‘Crystal Healer,’ of which I am one. This arrangement is of my own ‘making’ – the choice of stones that participate in this important energy sector (of the human body) – have been selected and inter-related by me.

CC logo pink n blue text

If you would like to learn more about how to dwell and explore the Heart Complex – through Meditation, Personal Sessions, or Live & Virtual Learning Opportunities – please contact Kyle Russell via email, at CrystalConcentrics@gmail.com.


twin, or 'couple stone'

twin, or ‘couple stone’

PS. what about Romantic Love? It exists within the personal experience of these various energetic “pulls,’ but can be represented by “couple stones,” or twins…which do not pertain (or reside) directly in the Heart Chakra…but may be meditated on, or worked on, with Crystals that fit this description (as pictured here). Similarly, multi-point conglomerations (not necessarily clusters) can represent families, children, etc.

different heart-shaped stones will evoke different experiences of Love...this one is Tiger Iron...and is all about grounding your love, having a strong center of gravity, to not stray or be swayed wrongly

different heart-shaped stones will evoke different experiences of Love…this one is Tiger Iron…and is all about grounding your love, having a strong center of gravity, to not stray or be swayed wrongly

What stone can be used to attract love? That’s an interesting question, and not an easy one to answer. I believe that working with the other stones, and all that they “conjure” in the human breast, as well as approaching your life holistically, with an eye to balancing your energies, and more importantly…letting Universal Energy flow maximally through your being, and without snags…THAT is the way to open yourself up most easrily to receive Love into your life.

A good variety of these mentioned stones are also accessible at the For Sale items page at www.Facebook.com/PowerStoneCrystals, or by request, with interest, to the email above.

Crystal Healing Portal – “say a prayer for me!”

Crystal Concentrics business card

Crystal Concentrics business card

You’re either gonna like this idea – or you’re gonna hate it – but I’m opening up a new well in my practice…that of hearing people’s prayers, and magnifying them through Crystal layouts and supplication…to try to have them answered, one way or another. I will charge for this, but what you spend will be less than it will take (on my side) to cover the effort I put into it. You’re basically helping me to try to help you. That extra portion (of time and effort), which I volunteer for you, will be my contribution, or donation to your cause. Basically, I’ll be opening up a healing portal, for you and your wishes to be a part of…to partake of. You’re welcome to get on board – just contact me, read this blog – and visit my Services page for more information.

Facebook iconA lot of times I see people post (on Facebook) – asking people to pray for their loved one – who’s in crisis. I found myself doing this when my kids were in a car accident. There was an outpouring of concern (and prayer)…for which I was grateful. I felt buoyed, supported…even loved. Nothing wrong with that!

Independently, some other folks have contacted me, to pray for someone special in their life…themselves, a daughter, a parent. It’s strange, because I don’t know them. Why would they ask that of me? They know I’m in the ethers, dealing with metaphysical things on the regular. Naturally, they figure I’m capable of putting in a good word for them, as I’m in contact with Spirit kinda steady. Yet something was holding me back.

First of all, getting into the supplication “business “- with or without money exchanged – is not something to be trifled with. If you are asking G8D to make a special dispensation – to bend the waters of fate, to favor one individual (or a group of us) – are you not taking good fortune from others? Is it selfish…a kind of “robbing from Peter to pay Paul”? Not necessarily…it oughtn’t be..

giant DT elestial closeup

giant DT elestial closeup

It’s only natural to want to better your situation, and it’s not like anyone wants to hurt someone else in the process. That would be what they call “black magic.” I do not go there, absolutely refuse to (and I’ve been asked for that, too). Most definitely not in my job description.

Most of us believe in a fair and benevolent G8D – but also feel that misfortune can be blind, and is not intrinsically kind or just. Remember “when bad things happen to good people?” We see that happen every day (just watch the news).

But suppose the Almighty – assuming you believe in there being one – was ultimately in charge. I know not all of you feel that way, and it’s unverifiable, particularly to the Atheist and Agnostic. But to the Believer, G8D is a force to contend with, to come to terms with, accept the actions of. Some feel, and surely the Bible demonstrates this – that G8D is jealous – He can be wrathful, even vengeful.

Etheric Goddess

Etheric Goddess

I chose the word He, because the Abrahamic monotheistic traditions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – have traditionally been sexist, patriarchal, and non-embracing of the Feminine. Fortunately, newer understandings and experiences of religion have become more inclusive, and just as the Virgin Mary has long been representative of the loving, maternal Divine, people are increasingly ascribing or choosing to see in G8D a more generous, nurturing light.

Is there enough to go around? Well, if Life is Love manifest, then yes – surely – life (and love) abounds! It’s all around us – booming population – and even wildlife (and insects) thrive in their bastions.

Life is almost cheap, with how frivolous we have (most of us) become with it. Mistreating the environment, wars, competition, heedlessness to the plight of others…it’s not a flattering picture of humanity.

woman praying

woman praying

Yet surely, acts of kindness do exist. Charity and good will are not dead.

But when you ask me personally, to get involved, I have to take that request most seriously. First, there is the “getting next to G8D” – if I can be so presumptuous to assert that as even being possible for me!

What does it take? Calming down my own inner storm; bringing Mind, Body, and Spirit together. I must raise my voice and open my ear to the Will of the Divine – whose intention may not be to grant clemency – we cannot know.

Those who claim to know the Will of G8D are either lying, or fooling themselves.

Ametrine Cathedral in sunlight

Ametrine Cathedral in sunlight

I recently joked, when describing the power of an enormous Amethyst cluster I have: “if that don’t cure you, you ain’t meant to be cured.” Reminds me of my “Can you Heal Me?” blog, which you may wish to check out, for reference. It’ll fill out some of these concepts – the most important one being that, basically – there are no guarantees that your prayers will be heard or answered.

This reminds me too, of the music promotion business, in which I worked tirelessly for many years. Artists would approach me: “make me famous” was their wish, indeed their expectation. Would that I could, that I should have that kind of power! “No,” I’d set them straight – “what you’re paying me for is my knowledge, expertise, and resources to do what I say I’ll do…you’re paying me for a service (for my time and my actions)…not for a guaranteed outcome. As long as you’re cool with that, we’re all good. Then everybody is doing their part.”

But truly: it is up to G8D to determine who gets helped. That is “giving unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” We have to know our place – our own sacred role to play – and mine is expanding – I want to help!

Kyle Russell at the Natural Living Expo

Kyle Russell at the Natural Living Expo

It’s true, I deal with Crystals on the daily, and sit in the presence of the Spirit as consistently as I can. I have 25 years doing it, some years more than others, but now more than ever.

I’ve survived Cancer by personal (human, and yes, medical) effort. Good will, and of course, the grace of G8D helped too. I eat well, better than ever, and am more consistently thinking about how my life can be a vessel for the betterment of the world, given my specific talents and predilections.

I lead Meditations, Classes, and Workshops – all of them focused on working with Spirit and Crystals – at the same time.



I have a healthy respect for the earth-crushing and creative power of Nature (and the Supernatural). I recognize the challenges posed by the offensive forces of Evil, Chaos, Decay, and the effects of both Greed and its less recognized aspect: the Benign Competition among people for Resources (in which wildlife and ‘the poor’ fare badly).

Classism, Racism, religious intolerance…these all contribute to the uphill battle we face…even in trying to get well on a personal level. Any energy worker has to do battle with these essences, which will necessarily be taxing and dangerous. Working and weaving “in the light” sometimes seems to ignore this underside of reality.



There is also the Pandora’s Box that can be unleashed when you meddle with G8D’s plan. At the same time, if we passively accept predestination (“que sera sera”), we abdicate our own power, and our extraordinary capacity to influence the situation.

Choice is one of G8D’s greatest gifts to us. “Well behaved women never make history” Eleanor Roosevelt said.

What would it have been like had Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Mandela “held their corner,” and kept their mouths shut?

'midnight grade' sliver of Lapis

‘midnight grade’ sliver of Lapis

So to speak up – to take action, make our requests from the Universe – is our right and our responsibility. This is “your mission, should you choose to accept it” (remember Mission Impossible?).

There is an African proverb: “when you pray, move your feet.”

Don’t be powerless – do what you can do – take any and all action within (and beyond) reach, to get your goals.

That being said (that you have more internal resources than you give yourself credit for) – and with all the support available through the conventional world – why bother working with me to try to advance your cause?

What can I, and Crystals do that the rest of our modern resources (and your own religious belief) not do?

Well – if you’ve ever felt powerless, like you just don’t get it: “why me” – and if you’ve ever felt like all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t seem to put Humpty back together again…you’ll know it’s worth a try.

I know what that’s like. I’ve been terminally ill. I’ve had dogged maladies that wouldn’t go away. The doctors had no idea what to do. And they didn’t (really) care. Other alternative modalities failed to satisfy, too.

Even if things seem to being going well – you have it all “pretty much under control” – I find that it’s that much better when you take a pause and partake of this wonderful resource.

large Citrine semi-sceptered Elestial

large Citrine semi-sceptered Elestial

I truly believe that bringing Crystals into the picture – given my experience, the breadth of my understanding about the complexities of Reality (as hopefully demonstrated above), and the amazing energies of the Power Stones I bring to bear – can only help you, deepen your own awareness, and introduce new and powerful elements into your appreciation (and grasp!) of Life.

Crystal Concentrics is all about full attention on YOU!

In my consultations, your perception of Spirit (in your life) matters – what you feel, what you want – and rallying the forces of Metaphysical Healing to your service…each is taken into account.

If you’re ready to explore this possibility and the opportunities is presents, please contact me at CrystalConcentrics@gmail.com.

Crystal Healing Layout

Crystal Healing Layout

Once we talk – and review your situation – a specific action plan will be put into place – whether it be individual, in-person – or long distance sessions. And if it’s right, your supplication will be brought right into the Crystal Vortex of Healing Portal soon! Please Follow me through my Contact Links, to see more about how this, and my other efforts progress!


About the author: Kyle Russell has been working with Crystals for 25 years, and has founded Crystal Concentrics (the ‘modality arm’) and Power Stone Crystals (the ‘sales arm’) to bring Crystal knowledge, use, and appreciation to a broader audience. Working on several books, he also leads Workshops, Meditations, and does Individual Healing work. Please contact him at CrystalConcentrics@gmail.com for more information, and to follow up in finding out how Crystals can be a bigger part of your Life. 

Crystal Meditation vs. Crystal Workshop (why, and what’s the difference?)

What’s the point of a Crystal Meditation (or a Workshop)? You might say: “I can do this all on my own, and I have everything I need – I know how to read – I bought the books!” Sure – have at it – but two things make doing an actual Crystal Meditation (or Workshop) with me, well worth it.
mystic light, emanating from a crystal point

mystic light, emanating from a crystal point

First of all, I have my own approach – I’ve sourced all my information intrinsically, “from on high” (no, not channelled, per se) – and from experience. I have actually been working with Crystals for 25 years! I don’t read “the books,” so you’re not likely to hear what you’ve heard before.

In fact, I take issue with a lot of what’s been written. It’s too generalized, simplistic, and fantastic (in the literal sense of that word). If I can’t feel it myself, or understand it – because it’s seemingly arbitrary, contrived, and poorly explained – then I don’t want to go there.

I have something unique to share. Whichever way you connect with me – including online – which is a major priority for me…to deliver some virtual content & value…but more on that developing saga (of reaching out to a bigger audience through the Internet) another time.
the power of collective upliftmentWhether on the Web, or in person, the key is interaction. That’s the second thing that makes taking either a Class/Workshop, or doing a Meditation worthwhile…the people!
My knowledge doesn’t exist in a vacuum – it comes out more with others (than on my own) – and everyone attending has a lot to contribute, too. I’m always amazed by people’s observations – what they’re going through – and what they’re learning. We all have a lot to teach one another!
Those are two strong “why’s.” Now let me tell you more about the “how” of what’s involved…
In a Crystal Meditation, I begin without any stones: for us to remember we’re biological beings – with minerals “inside” us – but we’re impermanent, mostly liquid (water…blood…bodily fluids).
We’re floating, here only for a time. And filled with our own concerns – “busy mind” – which we want to calm and center, ground and “space out” (ie. make receptive to new and deeper experiences).
Perhaps we introduce an intention, or a question, for you to go in and research, or cultivate the answer to, and maybe bring forth into your consciousness. We invite your Soul into the common space of the group, for this out-of-the-ordinary opportunity. Sacred safe-space is key – no judgements – no criticism.
People may share what they’ve come up with, or what’s come up for them…
diamantina laser polarity

diamantina laser polarity

Then comes 1 (or more) guided meditations including Crystals, because they’re what makes this a Crystal Meditation, after all!

The fact that I’m leading, makes it a Crystal Concentrics (my brand of) Meditation, as well.

We explore themes, in the context of the chosen Power Stones, which serve to focalize our thoughts and energies. Some may be held – or you can hold your own Crystals – and we go through that (and share again).

Topics have included Grounding, Sickness, Reconnecting with Spirit, and more. The list could go on and on. What we’re not doing here – is a prescribed program – going from a A to Z in a set curriculum. We don’t offer certifications or grant titles – making you a Master of this – or that.
This is another distinction of the Crystal Concentrics way. It’s not linear – so, in keeping with the name – it has to do with circles: moving outward, cross referencing, interconnecting. Most of all, it’s a process, a process which does not end. It evolves, like a ripple in a pond…spreading out, dissipating…and then starting again elsewhere – just like the movement of our Souls, through this – and other lives, planes, times, and places.
the Cosmology of Crystals

a sample presentation of the Cosmology of Crystals


Finally, and this does not happen every time, we might create a layout, or even a portal, to galvanize several energies at once, including the power of our collective presence and consciousness.

We have evoked “The River of Life,” “The Cosmology of Crystals,” and “The Pillar of Light” (an energy source for healing, and a passageway into the sublime).
All of this in an hour and half!
More or less time could be taken – depending on the circumstances.
Online, for example, may be more of a “get-down-to-business” scenario…since there’s less time for meet-and-greet. But it could end up similarly – as I’m new to it – and haven’t explored all the possibilities yet.
In person certainly has its advantages, but because of our efforts, and the Crystals themselves – which work so powerfully with the archetypes of our minds – it is actually possible to have every bit as powerful experiences virtually, as you can live. The imagination is a powerful landscape, and you can travel there easily, with or without your body.
grounding Hematite

grounding, superior specimen of Hematite

I do not advocate for an “out-of-body” lifestyle, though. To the contrary, most illnesses of mind and body are worsened (or even brought on) by dissociation with the physical. And I totally understand that trauma can leave you wanting to leave your body (or be anywhere else).

Ultimately, you have to take care of, and be in your body. Otherwise, what’s the point of being here(?), when there are other levels of existence (and non-existence) to get to.
Important, life-changing choices have to be made, and individual, one-on-one sessions, are where I explore that work (and any particular challenges you may be facing in that area). The beauty of private work is that you get all of the attention: the entire time is spent on your process. Nobody else shares. Nobody else’s needs matter (in that period).
Group meditation and the workshop environment may not be for you if you’re grappling with your own issues consumingly. They may be clouding your capacity to be in community. At the same time, it can be liberating to be in the company of others, and to levitate from your own well – see a fuller landscape – and appreciate anothers’ perspective.
Moving on, you might also ask: “Now the Crystal Concentrics Workshop – how is that different from – and why would I want to participate in one of those, instead of (or additionally to) the Crystal Meditation experience?”
The Workshop definitely incorporates Meditation, and all of the elements discussed above. It takes twice as long, though, because there’s a whole different aspect, that is unique to it. The educational, instructional piece, is what makes it stand out.
the Chakras as I-statements

the Chakras as I-statements

People want to know about the bigger picture, not just the specific energies employed during one Meditation (valuable as that may be). They want to understand how all (or most) of the major varieties (or one specific variety) of Power Stones “works,” and is interrelated with the others. For that reason, I introduce paradigms: frameworks that quantify, or organize our ways of thinking (and feeling) about the full spectrum of Crystals.

Which concept can (loosely) hold, or allow for the interpretation of the whole of the mineral “kingdom,” as it relates to the human bodily (and ethereal) energies?
Another question we might ask is “How, with thousands of varieties out there – can we (without getting all Scientific about it) – group into a smaller number of categories, the astonishing multiplicity of Crystals in existence?”
Even a single stone has so many attributes – by what means can we judge, or place it – on a variety of continuums for description, simultaneously?
All these are the types of queries we address in my Workshops.
To find out more, really, you should simply attend. Rest assured, that no two events – be they Meditations or Workshops (I call them Workshops, and not Classes, because they’re more participatory than “just a class”) – no two meetings will be identical.
There’s no “I heard that before,” or “there he goes again,” because I strive to approach every happening freshly. Even repeat guests cannot have been to every event – as I have – so if I can not be repetitious in myself, I’ll always move forward. That way, I can be sure to keep our experiences new and different.
As always – to get these updates & more (’cause my work is not only my Blog – I have newsletters, and numerous other Links for you to check out) – please email me at CrystalConcentrics@gmail.com.
To see my actual Calendar / Schedule of Events, click here. I hope to see or meet you soon! I’m happy to share with you the adventure of this work!
Kyle Russell
Founder of Crystal Concentrics
and Power Stone Crystals